Cookiecad in the Media

Best 3D Printing Filament in 2024

Best 3D Printing Filament in 2024

Cookiecad was featured in CNET's article "Best 3D Printing Filament in 2024"

"I love the way it makes me feel."

"It's gorgeous."

Check out the article on CNET's site!

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Best PLA for 3D Printing

Best PLA for 3D Printing

In a roundup of the best PLA, CNET called our filament the "Best Bespoke PLA".

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Best Filaments for 3D Printing 2024
Tom's Hardware

Best Filaments for 3D Printing 2024

Cookiecad is one of the "Best Filaments for 3D Printing 2024" according to Tom's Hardware:

"We printed over a hundred spools of filament to find the best materials for 3D printing."

"Cookiecad makes some amazing colors, and their gradient blends are among our favorites"

Read the article on their site!

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The Women Trailblazing the Tiktok 3D Printing Scene

The Women Trailblazing the Tiktok 3D Printing Scene

Ashley Alleyne did a wonderful write up of Women in 3d printing. Check out her article to read about Melissa's 3d printing journey and the other featured creators!

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